Solar panels have to be the most magnificent discovery in modern times short of the computer chip. 2nd best discovery, simple solar kits that any homeowner can tackle. Imagine the possibility of a endless supply of electricity hitting the earths surface every day that can power the world many times over. Sunlight is made up of tiny packets of energy called protons. Solar panels are made up of solar cells which are constructed from simple materials that have a small number of electrons, like silicon, with a positive and negative field. As photons are absorbed in the cell as electrons and are pushed or promoted to the bottom of the cell towards the positive connection. When there is a circuit, the electrons or electricity moves down a wire to power our electronic devices. This simple technology has no moving parts to wear out so you can expect the solar panels in your home solar kit to last most of your life.
Batteries for Solar Kits; You can Keep the Power in Reserve – It is not uncommon to produce more electricity during the daylight hours than you consume. Normally the utility grid acts as your battery system, however, these days of an aging grid and uncertain times many homeowners are electing to add a battery backup bank to their home solar kit. If operating your system with a battery backup is something that interests you, you will need to consider a couple of things. (1) Whenever you need to incorporate a battery backup in your home solar system, you should first start with the amount of energy you are going to need. You can answer that question by listing your electronic devices and looking at the name plate to see how many amps each device has. Once you have the amps you take amps x volts = watts. Your total watts are the power you need to operate. (2) You next need to decide home many days you want to have in reserve for your home backup system. When you have considered that, consider this; most grid tied solar Enphase MicroInverter kits do not work with a battery backup. When many homeowners invested in their system often times they do not realize that when the grid goes down, so does their solar system. Blue Pacific Solar has solved this problem with an option to connect your Enphase MicroInverter kit to a backup battery system that will operate when the grid goes down. If you are interested in such a system for your solar kit, you should contact us and we will point you to the product page that has that information.
Solar Kits; Inverters are the Heart of your System – When designing your system you need to carefully consider what type of inverter you intend to use. The two basic types of grid tied inverters are a central inverter where the DC electricity from all the solar panels flow and are then changed to AC electricity or MicroInverters. A MicroInverter, unlike a central inverter, has individual inverters at each solar panel. The inverters are connected to the solar panel and mounted to the rack near each panel. At the individual solar panel level, the MicroInverters change the DC electricity to AC power and send it on it’s way. There are pros and cons to each type of solar kit, but the main advantage to the DIY (Do-it-yourselfer) is it makes the system almost fool proof. Shading is one of the biggest factors in designing a solar system. Even the shadow from a plumbing pipe across one solar cell for a central inverter can cause a substantial loss of power. Solar cells in a panel are connected in series. If one cell is blocked, it will have a significant effect on the rest of the systems power output. Since each panel with a MicroInverter operates independent of the other, MicroInverters tend to be more forgiving than kits with central inverters. Blue Pacific Solar only sells the Enphase brand of MicroInverter simply because they are competitively priced, and they work.Talesun is a globally positioned, premium producer of solar modules and cells for the consumer and industrial sectors. The company’s 200,000m², fully automated manufacturing plant in the Chinese province of Jiangsu will reach a production capacity of 2GW by the end of 2012.
Affordable solar kits using Talesun solar panels. -Talesun is a globally positioned, premium producer of solar modules and cells for the consumer and industrial sectors. The company’s 200,000m², fully automated manufacturing plant in the Chinese province of Jiangsu will reach a production capacity of 2GW by the end of 2012. Talesun has subsidiaries in Shanghai, Munich, and San Jose, CA to serve regional markets.
Blue Pacific Solar has put together a variety of solar kits to power most homes. Contact us today to see how the power of the sun can improve your life.