Emergency Essentials

Emergency Essentials
There are two basic emergency situations. Essentials for those trapped in their homes are somewhat different from what is necessary for evacuation. The first basic requirement is water. Humans can live without food for a number of days, but water is a basic need. Shelter comes second. Keep in mind that danger from exposure to excessive heat, or cold, is greatly increased by wet clothing.


Go for the Wind

Going for Wind

For about £1,000 the British householder can buy his own power-generating wind turbine.  By pumping power generated by the mini turbine into substantial batteries, a constant power source can be obtained.  Alternatively you can put it straight into the national grid and get paid for it.

There are two different options for a home turbine – mount a mini-turbine on your roof or alternatively on a freestanding pole.   Greater returns are generally gained from pole-mounted turbines, as wind for building-mounted machines usually has more obstacles to get around, which weakens the flow.  Performance is directly related to the strength of the local winds, and measurement of this before installation is key to purchasing the right level of turbine.  The free-standing pole turbine in the right location will have unobstructed wind access and therefore greater generation capacity.  It is strongly recommended that an anemometer be used to measure the wind speeds in different locations to establish where the best site for a pole turbine will be.

Someone in the UK planning to adopt wind power for electricity generation should consult The Energy Savings Trust, who can provide detailed advice on grants available, the right equipment to purchase and what to do in installation.

One factor to be aware of when purchasing is the ‘cut in’ speed.  This is the speed of wind at which the power generation begins.  While the layman might expect any turning blades to generate power, in fact, it has to reach a minimum level.  Different micro-turbines have different cut-in speeds.

An Electrical Car – Why It Should Be Your New Set of Wheels
The New Year has just begun, and it has probably driven you to make your list of resolutions for the year. With that thought in mind, it would be a good idea to contribute less to the pollution that’s happening everywhere by investing in a car that could be economical for your pocket, and also environmentally friendly. Electrical and also hybrid cars are just the kind of ride you should be looking at, and these are a couple of solid reasons as to why you should get an electrical car for yourself.

Lower Price Tags Than Before
Just over the past year, the sales of both full electric and plug-in hybrid cars were doubled, and it wasn’t just because there were more energy conscious people around. The prices of electrical and hybrid cars were slashed by a pretty good bit, with manufacturers such as Nissan Motor Co letting its prices go down by up to 18 per cent. The company was able to give the public a more comfortable and competitive pricing as it had moved its production plant to a more affordable region, and other companies are following suit. The benefits are reaped by consumers such as yourself, as the pricing would not better fit into your expected budget range.

Cost Effective
Compared to gas, an electrical car is battery operated, which just needs to be recharged from time to time. The cost of gas that would otherwise do some serious damage to your paycheck is practically non-existent. Research from the Department of Energy in the States has shown that an electric vehicle could be driven for a good 43 miles at the cost of a single dollar of electricity. That says much about cost effectiveness

Wind Power – Can Reduce Your Energy Bill?

Wind Power – Can It Reduce Your Energy Bill?
It can’t have escaped your notice that wind power is big in the UK right now. Open spaces all over the country are populated with vast wind farms, acres of gigantic wind turbines stretched out as far as the eye can see like an army of mutant ants. Wind turbines are huge, noisy, and probably not something you thought of having in your back garden, but is wind power something you can use to your advantage, or is it a lot of hot air?

Wind Energy PowerDomestic Wind Turbines
It is fair to say that nobody in their right mind would want a huge wind turbine towering over their house. However, domestic turbines are a good compromise and there are different designs to choose from, including roof mounted turbines and turbines fixed to a mast. In general, the larger the turbine, the more electricity it will generate, although a site survey will be necessary in order to establish which type of wind turbine is appropriate for your home.

The Benefits of Harnessing Wind Power
.   Free electricity – Any electricity you generate as a result of harnessing the wind is free. This means that you will be using less electricity from your supplier and your energy bills will be lower as a result.

.   Sell electricity you don’t need – Under the government’s feed-in tariffs, homeowners are paid for electricity they generate. You can also sell any extra electricity back to the grid.

.   Store electricity – Excess energy can be stored in batteries and used when there is no wind.

.   Good for the environment – As with any type of renewable energy, electricity generated from a wind turbine is ‘green’ and, therefore, environmentally friendly. So by installing a wind turbine, you can reduce your carbon footprint.

Ingenious Solar Cell Advancements

Ingenious Solar Cell Advancements

Solar power provides exciting possibilities to energy consumers. A free, abundant and renewable resource, solar energy gives communities clean ways to protect both energy security and the environment. Switching to sun power lowers dependence on variable foreign oil markets by offering a non-polluting energy choice. Sun power is converted to electricity through solar photovoltaics (PVs). Improving photovoltaic technology is an important step in making solar energy affordable, efficient, and reliable. Discover ten inventive PV technologies that are strengthening solar markets.

Intermediate Band Solar Arrays:
 With efficiencies reaching up to 60%, intermediate band solar arrays (IBSAs) are created using silicon nanowires. Increased control over crystal orientation and faceting helps improve electronic coupling to boost PV efficiency.

Multijunction Wide-Array Solar Cells:
Multijunction wide-array solar cells join the strengths of crystalline silicon and thin-film technologies. The new tandem solar cells are efficient, easy to produce and low-cost.

Hydrogenated Nanocrystalline Synthesis:
Advances in hydrogenated nanocrystalline synthesis use hot-carrier devices to improve efficiency. New silicon films promote absorption, deter degradation, and lengthen product life.

Highly Efficient Thin-Film Solar Cells:
Creating very thin-film crystalline solar cells helps to reduce the cost of PV modules. By upholding efficiency standards when minimizing material needs, PV technology can be cost-competitive.

Tin Sulfide Advancements:
Tin sulfide provides thin-film PV cells with increased absorption capabilities. This helps make them more efficient. These cells are economical to produce because both tin and sulfur are common materials. Their low refining temperatures mean they will have a decreased cost of production.

Earth Abundant Materials:
Using materials that are prevalent in the environment to create a wide variety of photovoltaics helps to drive down production costs and make PVs more affordable for consumers. Incorporating scalable production process to manufacture PVs from commonly found materials also makes PV markets competitive.

Copper Nitrate Absorbers:
Copper and nitrate have stable structures that are good matches for PV absorbers. With continued research into crystal structures and properties, copper nitrate absorbers are expected to give photovoltaics increased energy efficiencies.

Copper Oxysulfide Absorbers:
Research in this area seeks to develop solar absorbers with energy efficiencies above 20%. Pairing copper oxide with bands of sulfur, zinc and magnesium in solar absorbers creates a structure that can efficiently capture sunlight.

Breaking the Shockley-Queisser Limit:
The Shockley-Queisser Limit is the supposed maximum efficiency of a solar cell that collects power using a p-n junction. Attempts to break the Shockley-Queisser Limit involve developing a single-junction cell that can interact with a larger part of the solar spectrum. These efforts seek to transform lower-energy photons into higher-energy photons, thereby generating stronger currents and voltages. Photoconversion efforts are geared towards amorphous silicon and organic material photovoltaics.

Cadmium Selenide and Silicon Cell Developments:
Research in cadmium selenide (CdSe) and Silicon (Si) cell developments focuses on creating high voltage in wide band-gap circuits between the top and bottom cells. CdSe will be used as the top cell and Si will be used as the bottom cell to achieve an efficiency over 25% and a voltage over 1.1 V for a high-performing, highly efficient solar cell.

Blue Pacific Solar is a leader in customized kits and solar packages.

Ways You Can Conserve Energy During The Summer

Summer is the perfect season for energy savings. With the warm weather and longer hours, you can take advantage and use much less energy than you will in the other seasons. This article outlines 5 ways that you can conserve energy during the summer months.

Run the air-con less:
Just because it’s summer doesn’t mean you need to run the air-conditioner 24/7 in order to be comfortable. Save the air-con for the really hot days when a fan just won’t do. On warm days a fan will often suffice, especially if just one or two people are home. There is no need to cool an entire home when only one room is being occupied. Also make sure that you are not always blasting the air-conditioner. You might be used to it creating a slight chill in the house, but you don’t need it to be that cold inside. Lowering the setting on the air-conditioner will save you energy.

Open the curtains:
During the longer months you will not have to turn on lights very often. If you tend to keep your curtains closed, it might seem darker than it is causing you to turn on lights when they’re really not needed. Open the curtains and let the light in. If you still have thick, dark coloured curtains up from the cold winter months, take them down and replace them with lighter ones that will allow in more natural light. This will also allow the breeze to flow through more easily when the windows are open, helping to cool your home.

Take advantage of public pools:
If you have a pool, you know it takes a lot of time and energy to fill it and keep it running. Just because you have a pool doesn’t mean that you have to use it all the time. If you only plan on swimming for a day, it’s better to go to a public pool.

Bake less often:
Baking in the summer is counterproductive. You don’t want to do anything that will make your home warmer than it already is. If you bake during the warm months, you will heat your home and then run your air-conditioner to cool the house down again. The less you use the oven and stove during the warmer months the more energy you will save. In the summer most people prefer light and cool meals. Those kind of meals will require less of the oven and stove, which in turn will save you energy.

Dry laundry outdoors:
You’re probably not going to wash your laundry by hand, but you can certainly hang your washed laundry outside to dry. Take advantage of the warm, sunny days to do laundry, so that you can avoid using the dryer.

 Summer is the perfect season for saving energy. You don’t need to heat your home, use the lights as much, or even use the oven as much as you do during the rest of the year.

Groundbreaking Solar Power Strategies

Developing solar power resources is an important component of any contemporary energy plan. Because solar energy is free, clean, renewable and domestically available, it offers many benefits to consumers, governments and the environment. Meeting energy needs with solar power reduces exposure to unstable foreign oil markets, curbs dependence on climate-harming fossil fuels and lowers utility bills. Solar innovation helps create competitive renewable energy markets. Discover three groundbreaking strategies that are helping to make solar power an everyday reality.

Lower the costs of non-hardware components.
Over 60% of the costs of implementing a solar power system comes from non-hardware components. Strategies focused on the acquisition, financing, contracting, permitting, connection, inspection, installation, performance, operation and maintenance of solar photovoltaics (PVs) aim to reduce the cost of alternative energy systems. Making cost-benefit information transparent, as well as educating solar professionals, is an important step in promoting consumer confidence. As consumer confidence rises, more people are apt to embrace solar-electric systems. Financing solutions include working with lenders, businesses and households on financial models, leasing agreements and purchase agreements.

Costs of installing PV systems can rack up at many levels of government. Streamlining small-scale and large-scale compliance and proper permitting at local, state and federal levels is an important solar strategy. Curbing resources and time by developing efficient processes helps saves consumers money. Efficiency can also be improved by training workers on better procedures. Enhancements in solar technology help increase the dependability and function of PV systems. Maintenance and operations strategies include research and development in the planning, designing and monitoring of solar photovoltaic systems.

Create a solar-friendly environment.
Creating a climate in which solar innovation can thrive is important for bringing efficient, effective and affordable sun-driven technology to life. Tactics in this area include removing restrictions in connection and metering, creating renewable portfolio standards and eliminating obstructive ordinances and codes. Attracting investors to solar projects is also a crucial component of creating a competitive renewable energy environment. Increasing access to capital while reducing risks through special entities like real estate investment trusts (REITS), master limited partnerships (MLPs) and crowd funding helps to grow strong energy markets.

Foster business and market growth.
Creating a stable marketplace capable of efficiently deploying solar resources is critical to developing a sustainable solar future. Markets can strengthened through innovations in business and maturity. Efficient processes, standards and practices are paramount to strong business models. Using analytical, data-flush tools to assess the successes and areas of improvement for solar technology is also important for business innovation. Both emerging and existing solar markets benefit from programs designed to support and nurture solar energy. Continuing to promote solar research, design, engineering, sourcing, production and installation helps create competitive solar industries.

Markets also thrive when households and businesses can easily find, choose and purchase quality solar products. Steps to facilitate online solar processes, quoting and purchasing help generate highly efficient marketplaces. By fostering business growth and nurturing markets, industries can more readily bring affordable, high-performing products to consumers while being global solar power players.

Blue Pacific Solar is an industry leader in solar sales and support.

The demand for alternative energy sources has skyrocketed in a world with ever-rising energy needs and ever-diminishing nonrenewable energy sources. In contrast to the environmental damages caused by the extraction and burning of dwindling fossil fuels, alternative energy sources promise renewable and often inexhaustible energy with little to no lasting environmental damage. Today, solar power offers one of the greatest opportunities to turn away from inefficient fossil fuel dependence.

The sun has powered the world’s ocean currents, winds, rain, and all the earth’s biomass growth for millenniums. Today, with the growth of modern technology and scientific progress, humans are able to utilize and capture more power from the sun than ever before. There are two significant ways this captured solar power can be utilized: electricity and heat energy.

For both electricity and heat energy, capturing solar power is made possible by employing solar cells in either flat plate receivers that collect incidental solar intensity and can operate in diffuse light, or by means of concentrators that collect higher solar intensities but operate poorly in diffuse light. Flat plate receivers are more commonly known and are often used by homeowners and small businesses. These are the receivers that have cells fixed across a horizontal plane and take the shape of a rectangular prism. A flat plate solar system will respond to radiant energy regardless of cloud cover, but operate overall at a lower intensity than concentrator systems. Concentrators are more commonly used in large energy production, as in town electrical production. These systems operate by focusing parallel beams of light onto a line (parabolic trough) or a point (parabolic dish). Concentrators reduce the amount and size of the cells needed as each cell’s efficiency is improved under concentrated light, but because of this desired concentration they fail to produce energy in heavy cloud cover.

Both these methods utilize solar photovoltaic power (solar) technology, in which the sun’s radiation is directly converted to electricity through solar cell arrays. The word photovoltaic refers to this turning photo (light) into voltaic (electrical current). In PV technology solar cells are constructed of semiconducting materials, and when the cell’s atoms are hit by light they absorb photons which disturb the atom’s electrons. These electrons are then ‘knocked loose’; a friction that creates an electrical current. Importantly, the solar cells are converters, not sources nor storehouses of energy. Also, for every electron knocked loose, another flows back into the cell, making solar cells a constantly renewable energy source. The solar cell acts as a part of a circuit; the electrons travel a continual path, receiving energy from the sun and transferring it to the load before returning to act again as a receiver. The electrical current created by the knocked electrons is transferred to an inverter where it is converted from direct current (DC) electricity to alternating current (AC) electricity. Inverters produce power at desired voltages for appropriate use.

SunWise 115 Watt RV Solar Power Kit

RV Solar Power Kit off grid solar kits could be the answer to your RV electrical requirements. There are now millions of people who choose to use solar power to supply their electricity for their homes, and now many people  are fitting a RV solar power kit to their RV’s. Charge your batteries while enjoying the peaceful tranquility of a remote campsite or power up at a tailgate party. SunWize makes one of the best RV solar kits on the market today. SunWize RV Solar Power Systems are designed for the most rugged climates and can withstand the summer desert heat and winter hail and still produce power day in and day out; year in and year out. [continue reading…]

Heating-Up Solar Panel Efficiencies

Researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have developed a new method of collecting solar energy to improve system efficiency. This technique incorporates both a traditional photovoltaic (PV or Solar) cell and a high-temperature material, which is heated directly by sunlight and the radiated infrared energy is collected by the traditional system. This process allows the usage of light wavelengths that are ignored as unusable and may also improve energy storage for later use. [continue reading…]

Utilizing Solar Energy in Your Home

With the recent furor surrounding the impending price rises in energy bills, it’s no wonder that people far and wide are looking into alternative methods of home energy. While many people will look into the possibility of changing suppliers in order to find a better deal, there will be just as many who expect a similar cost and service from similar suppliers and who, therefore, feel that there is something to gain from going green. [continue reading…]

5 Cutting-Edge Solar Cell Technologies

As solar energy becomes a popular way to meet power needs, more efficient ways of harnessing the sun’s energy are being developed for solar photovoltaics (PVs). Solar cells capture energy in the sunlight and transform it into electricity for residential, business and industrial use. Because solar energy is clean, free, renewable and indigenous, it is a crucial component of major energy plans. Developing better technology to make high-quality solar energy affordable for consumers improves domestic energy security and increases competitiveness in global markets. Take a look at five cutting-edge photovoltaic technologies that are keeping sun power in the energy spotlight.

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