Solar cost? How much is solar power going to cost to run my home or business? This is usually the first question asked by someone who is exploring the idea of using solar power to run their home or business. Seems like a simple enough question. However, the answer is not so simple to get to without a little up-front information.Short of throwing some broad, vague meaningless numbers out there, if the person asking the question can provide the last 12 months PG&E or SMUD electrical bills, we can glean much of the information to provide a meaningful answer. O ya, one more thing, it is actually helpful to see the last bill rather than just the summary numbers so we can look at the rate your power company has you on. It makes a big difference when considering the payback. [continue reading…]
Watching Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO last night is one of few TV shows I try and not miss because to learn something new, you need to get smart people with conflicting opinions at the table then get them to fight. Once again the topic of climate change came up and they continue to focus on the term global warming, and once again the issue gets hung up over the verbiage. Its called global warming and there will be some warming, but the issue we should be focusing on is CLIMATE CHANGE.
The world is focused on AZ now because of illegal immigration and how awful that is and boy we should do something. The law is bad on many levels and will most certainly be overturned but it is a rope-a-dope that moves our national focus from the real issue we should all focused on. [continue reading…]
Solar batteries store power generated from the sun and discharge the power as needed for later use. Portable solar batteries, off-grid or a simple backup rechargeable battery operates on fundamentally the same principles and many parts of the discussion can apply to both portable solar and fixed solar system. In a photovoltaic system, solar batteries in any type of form can experience a range of operating conditions and must be properly controlled to get the most from their performance, life cycle and more importantly, your safety. [continue reading…]
Northern California Solar News – Solar thermal or as it is sometimes called, solar hot water heating systems, is a technology used for harnessing the sun’s energy for water heating. Water heating is the second highest energy cost in a typical household. Solar thermal water heating incorporating solar thermal is one of the most cost saving things you can do to lower your utility costs in a California home. [continue reading…]
Have you ever risen early, walked into the Grand Canyon and watched God paint a grand picture? We just returned from our annual Grand Canyon backpacking vacation adventure and though I am familiar with most parts of the canyon, it never disappoints. Instead of worrying about battery power, this year we went all rechargeable batteries for the first time. A Brunton Restore portable solar battery did the trick.
Hiking to the edge, onto the trail, gray morning gives way to brilliant reds yellows and browns, the tints and hues of all the colors begin to blend into the perfect light. As we backpacked into the wilderness below, the sun moved higher in the sky flooding the our desert with color that seemed to explode before our eyes. [continue reading…]
California Solar Energy Laws – Great news for California Homeowners. In October 2009, Governor Schwarzenegger signed AB 920, the California Solar Surplus Act of 2009, which requires utilities to pay consumers for solar electricity that they generate over and above their home needs. What that means to you is if you decide to go solar California and your home solar California panels produce more solar electricity than you’re using, your local utility will pay you cash or assign credits that you can redeem when needed. How’s that for a reason to go solar California! [continue reading…]
Portable chargers powered by the sun can keep you connected when you’re away from a power source. Imagine being able to charge your cell phone, GPS, iPod, and other electronic gadgets when you’re on the go with a neat portable power charger that really works. Hiking, biking, or whenever you find yourself far from any wall socket there are Eco-friendly portable solar chargers that will give you a true sense of freedom. [continue reading…]
PACE is an acronym for property assessed clean energy. (PACE) programs enable local governments to finance renewable energy and energy efficiency projects on private property, including residential, commercial and industrial properties. The programs eliminate the chief barrier to clean energy installations: the large upfront cost. If the cities in America were to get behind this program for their local citizens, this country could take the initiative to rid us of the burden of importing oil from people who do not like Americans. An additional bonus is it would create local jobs and putting more money into your local economy by reducing your monthly energy increasing your home cash flow. [continue reading…]
Green living is driven by our passion for hiking the shrinking back-country of our country and the growing alarm about the legacy we are leaving our children. Can we go on turning a blind eye to the changes going on around us forever? If you have a comfortable, rewarding and healthy lifestyle you probably think green living is not your problem. But many of the things we do today cannot be continued indefinitely without having an impact on our children’s future quality of life. We all know it’s important to have a healthy environment to provide us with clean air, water and food. But how often do you think about the choices you make each day and the long-term impact those choices have on our local and global environment as well as on our economy. [continue reading…]
Watch out California! PGE is attempting a slight of hand, power grab, magic trick hoping the California voters are asleep at the wheel. PG & E paid a signature gathering company who put proposition 16 on the June primary ballot in an attempt to make it law.
We firmly agree with the Oakland Tribune which editorialized for a “no” vote, saying, “Voters should not be fooled into thinking Prop. 16 is anything about improving the democratic process. It is entirely about PG&E’s financial interests and would do considerable harm to local governments’ ability to create and expand publicly owned utilities for the benefit of electricity customers. We urge voters to soundly reject Prop. 16 to protect their own pocketbooks and local choices about electricity service, and to send a message to PG&E and other special interests that the voters cannot be bought.” [continue reading…]
Jobs in this country and a sustainable future for our children are two things we are very passionate about. This article from Renewable Energy World Magazine is worth your time to read.
By Olivier Drücke, European Solar Thermal Industry Federation London, UK [Renewable Energy World Magazine]
Shortly after the beginning of the third millennium it looks as though the first decade was lost to the greediness, egoism and irresponsibility of our so-called ‘global elite’.
The financial crisis which originated in the global financial centers in New York and London is primarily a crisis of the Anglo-Saxon turbo capitalism that went out of control and widely exposed its ruthlessness in threatening the welfare of all. It led the world into a global economic downturn that is a serious handicap to setting out speedily into a new era of sustainable economic growth. This is even more regrettable as a quick and efficient change would be perfectly feasible from a technological point of view, as is demonstrated by the European renewable energy sector. [continue reading…]
Reasons go solar – I try very hard not to make our blog a political manifesto in spite of my sometimes-passionate beliefs, but the reasons to go solar and related topics is just too important. I was driving back from a solar residential job a few days ago listening to a program on National Public Radio. The short segment was talking about Menlo Park California and the soon to happen vote on a new city law relating to the size of lawns etc to help conserve water. The moderator was engaging while they talked about the growing need to conserve water, which was the driving force behind the laws, and interview several people from California as well as Arizona. What they did not do was spend one min. of airtime on why we should be very afraid of pending water shortages. [continue reading…]