Author: Cliff
Published: 11/07/2010
The sun puts out enough solar energy in one hour to power the entire earth for a year. That is some serious power. Why aren’t we universally using solar to power everything?
The fact is, usually, capturing the sun’s solar energy and putting it to work in the form of electricity is relatively expensive and the technology to make it cheaper is being slowed by big energy. There is something like 10 trillion dollars’ worth of dirty oil and coal left to realistically extract from the earth and that’s big money. [continue reading…]
Author: Kristie H.
Published: 11/05/2010
Nothing makes me more nervous than when the power goes out here in Northern California. Non-disaster U.S. power outages are up 124% since the early 1990’s. The number of people on average affected on a daily basis by U.S. power outages are now up to 500,000. The cost of new utility lines run an average 2MM per mile. Add to those facts hurricane season, blackouts and winter storms on the way raises the question, should Americans look at the rising blackouts as unusual events or a warning sign and start to prepare at home? Is an off-grid solar or battery backup uninterrupted power supply important to you? [continue reading…]
Author: Cliff
Published: 11/04/2010
Californians have a right to celebrate. Prop 23 went down in flames, with 61% of voters against it and 39% in favor. Additionally, California was handed triple victories with the defeat of prop 23, election of Jerry Brown and Barbara Boxer. Solar and renewable energy jobs may only be a drop in the bucket in this economic recovery, but it is a step forward, not backwards towards more jobs, clean air and a better life for our children. Jerry Brown and Barbara Boxer are true champions for solar and renewable energy. Governor elect Brown and Senator Boxer for a long time have been vocal about supporting a change to solar and wind energy, mainly as a way to get us out of the middle east politics of oil. It is gratifying to see that California recognizes that fact in a time of tough decisions rewarding their political courage and support of renewable energy and a sustainable future for California. [continue reading…]
Author: Robert
Published: 11/02/2010
The same mild temperatures that make San Benito, just south of the San Francisco Bay, an agricultural haven make it an ideal location for solar. Solargen Energy wants to build a 400 megawatt (Yea, that’s really big) solar power facility the area that supports several ranchers and organic farmers.
The project would deliver clean solar electricity to the regional transmission system by interconnecting to the existing Pacific Gas and Electric Company transmission line on site. The proposed solar project would be considered a renewable energy generation facility, and according to the applicant, would support California in meeting the Solar Renewable Portfolio Standard mandate.
Solargen Energy develops, owns and operates environmentally friendly, large scale solar and renewable energy projects to deliver electricity to utilities and industrial customers.
Both sides of the solar land dispute insist they are fighting for the same things protecting the environment and growing the local economy. [continue reading…]
Author: Kristie H.
Published: 10/29/2010
Sacramento Green Solar News – Whats cooler than a new Amtrak train that runs more efficient that cars or planes with regenerative braking? How about an Amtrak train with solar panels panels on the roof. Not cool enough? OK, how about 70 of them to be built in Sacramento California! Read More – [continue reading…]
Author: Kristie H.
Published: 10/26/2010
A Feed-in tariff or FIT is a program largely accredited to and made popular in Germany driving their solar and renewable installations. The energy policy is designed to encourage installation of solar and wind renewable energy driving the technology closer to grid parity. Grid parity is an energy term that relates to the point at which renewable energy electricity is equivalent in cost or cheaper than grid power.
In the policy, electrical utilities are required to buy renewable electricity from all residential and commercial solar, wind and other renewable participants at a fair market price. Since power companies have a monopoly that was built on the back of local citizens, it only seems fair they be forced to level the playing field. This FIT policy is the driving force behind some Europeans huge leaps in locally produce clean energy.
Feed-in tariffs are a great idea when coupled with installation of better insulation and energy-efficient windows. Solar, wind energy and other forms of clean renewable technologies are the answer to localizing our energy demands and reducing our dependency on foreign oil. Reducing our dependency on foreign oil improves our national security.
In Germany, the program is wildly successful, but now threatens to overwhelm the countries grid. Sounds like a nice problem to have if you asked me. Read More – [continue reading…]
Author: Kristie H.
Published: 10/23/2010
Google recently signed an agreement investing in electrical generation on a utility-scale in the Mid-Atlantic coast region. Wind and solar development is good for business and good for the environment were the key reasons Google cited. The Atlantic Wind Connection project will create thousands of jobs while improving consumer access to clean energy while decreasing our dependence on fossil fuel electricity generation.
The ownership is split between Google (37.5%), an investment company called Good Energies (37.5%), and the Japan trading company Marubeni (15%).
When completed, the new wind generators will stretch 350 miles off the coast of New Jersey to Virginia and will give 6,000 MW of offshore wind turbines. That equals 60% of the wind energy that was installed in all of America in 2009 or enough electricity to serve about 1.9 million households.  [continue reading…]
Author: Kurtis
Published: 10/19/2010
College students across the country are looking green these days. No, not from last weekends frat party, from a greater awareness of solar, wind and other renewable energy sources and the positive impact they can have on their lives. This example of community leadership is no better exemplified by a group of solar engineering students at the University of Arizona.
The “Solar Cats” meet regularly to work towards installing solar panels on the dorms of the campus student housing, but thats not all. The group has expanded to focus on educating the community about sustainability and solar power. Boola-Boola we say to the Solar Cats for the fine work they are doing. [continue reading…]
Author: Kurtis
Published: 10/14/2010
The San Francisco Chronicle published an excellent article demonstrating the importance of California’s focus on solar, wind and clean energy technology. The future of economic growth is continuing down the path of renewable energy. Solar energy costs are coming down as production increases. Look what happened to computers over the last 20 years.
On the converse, fossil fuel energy costs will only go up, and soon the non-subsidized cross-over point will lead to massive exponential clean technology growth. Green technology is the answer to fix our economy. If we open solar factories in every state then hire people to install them, it will create millions of jobs almost instantly. And, millions of people who have jobs, spend an awful lot of money. That is how we can make over the economy. [continue reading…]
Author: Cliff
Published: 10/09/2010
The talking heads and some political candidates are blathering about the poor business climate in California, but the numbers paint a different picture. The facts are California is substantially gaining more businesses every year than are closing or leaving. Opportunities for growing our economy exist all across the green value chain with solar systems, wind and renewable energy leading the way.
While manufacturing employment is declining, alternative energy is emerging as a breakout technology creating new good paying local jobs. Jobs in the solar, wind technology and other green renewable fields, take technical skills. They need education. And they can pay better than the state average. Alternative energy installations are a more labor-intensive energy source A transition toward alternative energy thus promises job gains.
New data is showing California emerging as the global leader in green patents, VC (venture capital) investments, energy productivity and generation. Political pendents and candidates are railing about the poor business climate in California, but the numbers show that we are substantially gaining more businesses every year than are closing or leaving. Read More – [continue reading…]
Author: Cliff
Published: 10/03/2010
California Clean Energy AB 32 is California’s landmark law to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and move us away from dirty fossil fuels toward a clean energy future.
According to a new study by the Center for Law, Energy, and the Environment at the University of California Berkley Law school, passing Prop. 23, and thus halting the implement of AB32 in its tracks, would be a step that leads to direct job losses.
Passage of Proposition 23 would result in direct job losses by undermining the 33 percent Renewable Portfolio Standard, which depends on AB 32 authority. A recent study by the Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory at UC Berkeley shows that suspending the 33 percent RPS would result in a direct loss of jobs, even if the 20 percent RPS remains in effect.
The researchers also refuted the notion that AB32 is causing unemployment in California. “No connection exists between California’s current unemployment rate and AB 32,” said professor Daniel Kammen, one of the report’s co-authors. “In fact, the clean tech, solar and wind sector in California is one of the few areas of sustained growth during the current recession.” Read More
In the central valley, one in six children go to school with an inhaler. In Southern California, air pollution kills more people than car crashes. Nationwide 100,000 people die every year because of pollution-related illnesses. These are human tragedies that laws like AB 32 aim to prevent. [continue reading…]
Author: Kurtis
Published: 09/29/2010
Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) was a key breakthrough benefit for homeowners to easily install solar. Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac put the kibosh on the program because they said it was to risky. (PACE was risky but subprime loans were OK? See cartoon at bottom of post to explain why.)
Anyhoo, since then, PACE, the California Energy Commission and dozens of solar installation companies have been working to come up with an alternative financing program. Well it looks like they may have one.
Last week “Energy Upgrade California” was cleared by the California Energy Commission funded by federal stimulus money. Nice work folks. Creative financing methods make solar affordable for a lot more people. Lets get residential solar installations in California back on track with Energy Upgrade California financing keeping local renewable energy jobs on the upswing.
The time is right to install solar on your home. Installing solar means you will be improving your home, saving money on your utility bill, and helping the environment. Read More [continue reading…]